How to get a huge amount of ideas to write about in just minutes
Often times in the past I have been eluding my self-obtained duty of writing. I would sit down to write my next piece only to find myself with the will to write but no topic to write about.
I definitely don’t want to write filler or unsubstantial webpolluting garbage about how to make money by joining my cult- although i would highly recommend it. We have beer and cheese!
I have used the excuse of not knowing what to write, to not actually write for such a long time, I might have forgotten how to write altogether. What helped me out of this predicament was a simple but effective method which will yield you results in a shorter time than a Britney Spears wedding. Promise.
All you need for this method is some form of interest in something or having spent some time on literally anything. It could be writing, fishing, playing games, programming or playing D&D.
What follows are 5 simple steps that will take you not more 3 minutes but will give you an idea about what to write about next.
Step 1
Write into the middle of your paper IDEA and put a circle around it.
Step 2
Then write at least 3 things you’re interested in on that piece of paper, circle them, and connect them with the circle in the middle.
Step 3
Write down all the questions you had regarding your interest in the last 3 weeks and connect them to your interest. And don’t you dare say I can’t come up with something.
I’m sure you googled at least something in the last 3 months about how to be an author. Hey, I mean I did for sure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Step 4
Choose one question you find particularly interesting or worth sharing.
Do your research, if you haven’t yet.
Step 5
Write about it. Share it with the world. Everything you learned is worth for somebody else to learn.
That’s all folks. The simplest way to find something to write about -take something you’re already interested in. There will always be something. All you need to do is remember it.